Sam Poses " His Time "

Be honest guys, who doesn't know this situation? 

And now guess what? This pose by SamPoses is a group gift.

Yes for free. So you should jump at the store, join the group and grab this and many other awesome poses you can find at the Groupgift wall.

It is not the typical gift that is only free because the quality does not match. No, it's flawless. I didn't have to adjust anything. But if you want to adjust something, there is the blue pop-up. No complicated theater. The table, chair and PC are of course comes with the package as well.

In generell, if you like poses as I do, have a look at the SamPoses Mainstore.
There is so much, and really with fair prizes. 

Let me give you now all links you need to be always up to date and ofc the shopping ones ;)

I wish you many fun and a awesome wonderful Christmas Time.

Soon I will show you more of this awesome poses by SamPoses.

Other Infos: Signature Gianni Body, Birth Skin, Mossu Shirt, Volkstone Facial Hair, Stealthic Hair, Meva Watch.